Quintin McKenna
MooseLax LC Board of Directors | Coach of 2029 Orange & 2032 Orange | Director of Herd Player Development

mOose Facts
Hometown: Greenlawn, NY
High School: Harborfields (2016)
Coach of Mooselax Herds: 2029 Orange & 2032 Orange
Director of Herd Player Development
Coaching Experience
Harborfields High School Varsity Offensive Coordinator (2021-Present)
Old Field Middle School Assistant Coach (2020-2021)
Q’s Scoring School- (2020-Present)
Playing Experience
Quintin played HS lacrosse at Harborfields racking up over 150 points during his career. He was selected as Suffolk County Rookie of the Year in 2014 and All-County in his senior season. At Adelphi Quintin has enjoyed three successful seasons and has chosen to delay his graduation for a year to be able to complete his senior season which was canceled due to Covid.
Why I Coach Mooselax:
I love this game and want to encourage the younger players to feel the same way, if they are willing to put the time in and have fun doing it.